quinta-feira, agosto 30, 2007

Há letras potentes...

Putting holes in happiness

The sky was blonde like her
It was a day to take the child
Out back and shoot it.
I could have buried all my dead
Up in her cemetery head
She had dirty word witchcraft
I was in the deep end of her skin.
Then, it seemed like a one car car wreck
But I knew it was a horrid tragedy.
Ways to make the tiny satisfaction disappear.
Blow out the candles
On all my frankensteins.
At least my death wish will come true.
You taste like Valentine's and
We cry,
You're like a birthday.
I should have picked the photograph
It lasted longer than you.
Putting holes in happiness.
We'll paint the future black
If it needs any color.
My death sentence is a story
Who'll be digging when you finally let me die?
The romance of our assassination
If you're Bonnie, I'll be your Clyde.
But the grass is greener here and
I can see all of your snakes.
You wear your ruins well
Please run away with me to hell.
Blow out the candles
On all my frankensteins.
At least my death wish will come true.
You taste like Valentine's and
We cry,
You're like a birthday.
I should have picked the photograph
It lasted longer than you.

2 comentários:

Marisa disse...

Cada linha dessa letra dava para longas conversas!
Mas não sei porquê..fez-me lembrar muito do Cabo Costa, mas numa mente muito mais recambolesca e complexa.. (acho que fiquei mesmo chocada!) :p
Palavras demasiado...frias. Potentes, sem dúvida..

JAM disse...

Eu gosto de letras frias...quase com uma aura sarcástica...daí gostar tanto da musica de MM..
spooky, huh?!