sexta-feira, maio 07, 2010

fucking butterflies

Every day that goes by I find myself believing even more in the chaos theory and its butterfly effect.
No matter how small the action, your life will be changed by it.
Who am I now and what could I have become had I taken a different path?
Would I still even be me?
Had I put aside the threats, would we still be together after all these years!?
Had I made a better risk assessment and evaluated the pros and cons of us, would things still become what they are today?
Would an unexplainable force drag me up to rupture and force me into the path I'm currently taking!? Or would I just slide across and make a living in a different "world"?!

The chaos theory creeps me out...'cause I've crushed way too many butterflies.
we could, we would, we should.....but we didn't.
Yesterday I felt that you, in some sort of manner, wished the butterflies could have been healed. That chaos drove you to some place you regret being in. But maybe it was just my strong imagination...
We were the butterflies, my dear......and some big smelly foot stepped on us.

but unfortunately....nothing's just like we imagined.

1 comentário:

Marisa disse...

Magnífico texto, JAM. Gosto quando te expressas em Inglês. It all makes sense.