When I talk to you, my dear, I die a little more inside....
Yes...talk TO you...not WITH you....and that's what fucking destroys whatever good I have left inside. The tears that leave are just the result of a drying heart.
quarta-feira, março 31, 2010
domingo, março 28, 2010
Se os filmes "the hangover " e "regresso ao futuro" são vistos por produtores que fumam erva a mais....o resultado deve ser este:
hot tub time machine
-Huh, excuse me miss, what colour is Michael Jackson?
-....black...of course!
-Can I text you later?
-can you what?
-Are you online at all?!
-I have no idea what you're saying....
-How can I get a hold of you?
- Come find me.
-that just sounds......Exausting...!
hot tub time machine
-Huh, excuse me miss, what colour is Michael Jackson?
-....black...of course!
-Can I text you later?
-can you what?
-Are you online at all?!
-I have no idea what you're saying....
-How can I get a hold of you?
- Come find me.
-that just sounds......Exausting...!
Fiz, para me entreter, um teste de personalidade de Jung. Concordo com o resultado...mas hei........nem eu próprio me conheço :D
EU sempre disse, e continuo a dizer, a muitas pessoas: se eu demoro a fazer decisões é por alguma razão.
All Rationals are good at planning operations, but Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Complex operations involve many steps or stages, one following another in a necessary progression, and Masterminds are naturally able to grasp how each one leads to the next, and to prepare alternatives for difficulties that are likely to arise any step of the way. Trying to anticipate every contingency, Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be.
Masterminds are rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population, and they are rarely encountered outside their office, factory, school, or laboratory. Although they are highly capable leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once they take charge, however, they are thoroughgoing pragmatists. Masterminds are certain that efficiency is indispensable in a well-run organization, and if they encounter inefficiency-any waste of human and material resources-they are quick to realign operations and reassign personnel. Masterminds do not feel bound by established rules and procedures, and traditional authority does not impress them, nor do slogans or catchwords. Only ideas that make sense to them are adopted; those that don't, aren't, no matter who thought of them. Remember, their aim is always maximum efficiency.
In their careers, Masterminds usually rise to positions of responsibility, for they work long and hard and are dedicated in their pursuit of goals, sparing neither their own time and effort nor that of their colleagues and employees. Problem-solving is highly stimulating to Masterminds, who love responding to tangled systems that require careful sorting out. Ordinarily, they verbalize the positive and avoid comments of a negative nature; they are more interested in moving an organization forward than dwelling on mistakes of the past.
Masterminds tend to be much more definite and self-confident than other Rationals, having usually developed a very strong will. Decisions come easily to them; in fact, they can hardly rest until they have things settled and decided. But before they decide anything, they must do the research. Masterminds are highly theoretical, but they insist on looking at all available data before they embrace an idea, and they are suspicious of any statement that is based on shoddy research, or that is not checked against reality.
Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Ulysses S. Grant, Frideriche Nietzsche, Niels Bohr, Peter the Great, Stephen Hawking, John Maynard Keynes, Lise Meitner, Ayn Rand and Sir Isaac Newton are examples of Rational Masterminds.
EU sempre disse, e continuo a dizer, a muitas pessoas: se eu demoro a fazer decisões é por alguma razão.
All Rationals are good at planning operations, but Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Complex operations involve many steps or stages, one following another in a necessary progression, and Masterminds are naturally able to grasp how each one leads to the next, and to prepare alternatives for difficulties that are likely to arise any step of the way. Trying to anticipate every contingency, Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be.
Masterminds are rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population, and they are rarely encountered outside their office, factory, school, or laboratory. Although they are highly capable leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once they take charge, however, they are thoroughgoing pragmatists. Masterminds are certain that efficiency is indispensable in a well-run organization, and if they encounter inefficiency-any waste of human and material resources-they are quick to realign operations and reassign personnel. Masterminds do not feel bound by established rules and procedures, and traditional authority does not impress them, nor do slogans or catchwords. Only ideas that make sense to them are adopted; those that don't, aren't, no matter who thought of them. Remember, their aim is always maximum efficiency.
In their careers, Masterminds usually rise to positions of responsibility, for they work long and hard and are dedicated in their pursuit of goals, sparing neither their own time and effort nor that of their colleagues and employees. Problem-solving is highly stimulating to Masterminds, who love responding to tangled systems that require careful sorting out. Ordinarily, they verbalize the positive and avoid comments of a negative nature; they are more interested in moving an organization forward than dwelling on mistakes of the past.
Masterminds tend to be much more definite and self-confident than other Rationals, having usually developed a very strong will. Decisions come easily to them; in fact, they can hardly rest until they have things settled and decided. But before they decide anything, they must do the research. Masterminds are highly theoretical, but they insist on looking at all available data before they embrace an idea, and they are suspicious of any statement that is based on shoddy research, or that is not checked against reality.
Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Ulysses S. Grant, Frideriche Nietzsche, Niels Bohr, Peter the Great, Stephen Hawking, John Maynard Keynes, Lise Meitner, Ayn Rand and Sir Isaac Newton are examples of Rational Masterminds.
I'm not with stupid.
Mas será que está tudo parvo? Se esta lei existisse aqui em Portugal e eu visse um farmacêutico a recusar fosse lá o que fosse, a quem quer que fosse, acho que lhe partia a fuça toda com os pézinhos...
Qualquer dia ainda recusam a venda de preservativos, não? Mundo triste....mais um exemplo do nojo das religiões.
Qualquer otário que fizesse tal coisa devia ser proibido de ir ao médico...já que a maioria dos que são contra a pilula são religiosos....e, se acreditam que só se curam se o seu deus quiser, então a ciencia deve ser posta de lado...eles que se fodam mais a sua puta religião.
Qualquer dia ainda recusam a venda de preservativos, não? Mundo triste....mais um exemplo do nojo das religiões.
Qualquer otário que fizesse tal coisa devia ser proibido de ir ao médico...já que a maioria dos que são contra a pilula são religiosos....e, se acreditam que só se curam se o seu deus quiser, então a ciencia deve ser posta de lado...eles que se fodam mais a sua puta religião.
sexta-feira, março 26, 2010
why won't you come home?
And why don't you just tell me to fuck off with my hopes, love and dreams. All I need is an answer...but you have to give it to me.
Need you to know I'm just as cold and numb as you.
You could come to stay
Yes you could come right Home
I don't see why I have to live this life all alone.
I know there is a way to make up for mistakes
I know what's happening is for a reason.
este gajo é um guitarrista brutal....
Need you to know I'm just as cold and numb as you.
You could come to stay
Yes you could come right Home
I don't see why I have to live this life all alone.
I know there is a way to make up for mistakes
I know what's happening is for a reason.
este gajo é um guitarrista brutal....
quinta-feira, março 25, 2010
yeah....I need a lot of fuel
terça-feira, março 23, 2010
...I feel unsteady
Wouldn't it just be easier to simply admit I want you more then I wanted back when I had you?
But admitting would only crack my heart even deeper, when your lips spelled the words of my feelings' demise : YOU'VE HAD YOUR CHANCE.
When I think more than I want to think
I do things I never should do
I drink much more than I ought to drink
Because it brings me back you...
But admitting would only crack my heart even deeper, when your lips spelled the words of my feelings' demise : YOU'VE HAD YOUR CHANCE.
When I think more than I want to think
I do things I never should do
I drink much more than I ought to drink
Because it brings me back you...
domingo, março 21, 2010
Mão Morta.
Primeiro single do novo albúm de mão morta...
Esta música é simplista e muito "catchy", sem deixar nunca de ter o espirito da banda.
Cá fico á espera do álbum "Pesadelos em Peluche"...
É mais fácil antever a chegada de um tufão
do que achar o manual de instruções pra deslindar os novelos da paixão.
Esta música é simplista e muito "catchy", sem deixar nunca de ter o espirito da banda.
Cá fico á espera do álbum "Pesadelos em Peluche"...
É mais fácil antever a chegada de um tufão
do que achar o manual de instruções pra deslindar os novelos da paixão.
uma vez....
sexta-feira, março 19, 2010
My queen B.
It's funny how life goes. It feels like I am biologically connected to you.Like the Queen in the hive that controls the soldier's mood, you unknowingly prance around like I don't exist.Can't draw, can't talk, can't breath, can't sleep, can't focus. And you don't even realize the power you have. Is the charade I constructed so well built that the smartest of queens cannot see through it?!
Just remember, dear B, all queens must have a king...and so far you've only had pawns and knights.
Just remember, dear B, all queens must have a king...and so far you've only had pawns and knights.
quarta-feira, março 17, 2010
Fuck yourself, please, but just fucking leave me alone
"People tell me what to say,
what to think, and what to play.
I said, people tell me what to say,
what to think, and what to play."

Cada vez mais incorro no erro de confiar no Ser Humano.
Por vezes sinto que Nietzsche estava correcto.E não, nada dessas tretas de dizerem que o gajo era nazi (ele morreu antes mesmo da PRIMEIRA guerra mundial).
Se não surgir uma sociedade de "übermensch" rapidamente, mais vale o ser humano desaparecer da face da terra de vez.
METE-me nojo e tenho pena de pertencer a uma espécie tão retrógrada de filhos da puta mascarados de realeza.
SOIS merda! Um patético animal que não vive e deixa viver.IDE-VOS FODER.
E, sim, este texto é dedicado a pessoas especiais da minha vida...pessoas estas que me julgam pelos seus padrões mal construidos e mal educados. Peguem na merda que vos sai dos lábios e metam-na a bom uso...como estrume para se cultivarem.
what to think, and what to play.
I said, people tell me what to say,
what to think, and what to play."

Cada vez mais incorro no erro de confiar no Ser Humano.
Por vezes sinto que Nietzsche estava correcto.E não, nada dessas tretas de dizerem que o gajo era nazi (ele morreu antes mesmo da PRIMEIRA guerra mundial).
Se não surgir uma sociedade de "übermensch" rapidamente, mais vale o ser humano desaparecer da face da terra de vez.
METE-me nojo e tenho pena de pertencer a uma espécie tão retrógrada de filhos da puta mascarados de realeza.
SOIS merda! Um patético animal que não vive e deixa viver.IDE-VOS FODER.
E, sim, este texto é dedicado a pessoas especiais da minha vida...pessoas estas que me julgam pelos seus padrões mal construidos e mal educados. Peguem na merda que vos sai dos lábios e metam-na a bom uso...como estrume para se cultivarem.
segunda-feira, março 15, 2010
sábado, março 13, 2010
stupid of me, to behave like I was free.
This is one of the songs that made me realize....no matter if you don't understand how sorry I am, no matter how much I know it'll never come true again...just want you to know...
press play
I'm sorry that I had to go out on my own investigation
if only I had known it would cause this separation,
stupid of me, to behave like I was free,
for the taking, please don't forsake me
if only I could make her, feel a little better
take away these ugly thoughts,
exorcise the demons that I brought
I must find, a state of mind, that deals with the temptation,
I know I'm gonna find, a way to rise above her expectations
of me and all that I could be, dedication in a relation,
is more then any flirt
I'm cleaning up the dirt, I'm gonna steal those haunted
dreams, lift us up to something more supreme
I always thought it would be easy,
we'd see it and feel it,
but nothing is less true,
as tears tell
it's hardcore and painful
press play
I'm sorry that I had to go out on my own investigation
if only I had known it would cause this separation,
stupid of me, to behave like I was free,
for the taking, please don't forsake me
if only I could make her, feel a little better
take away these ugly thoughts,
exorcise the demons that I brought
I must find, a state of mind, that deals with the temptation,
I know I'm gonna find, a way to rise above her expectations
of me and all that I could be, dedication in a relation,
is more then any flirt
I'm cleaning up the dirt, I'm gonna steal those haunted
dreams, lift us up to something more supreme
I always thought it would be easy,
we'd see it and feel it,
but nothing is less true,
as tears tell
it's hardcore and painful
sexta-feira, março 12, 2010
Serj Tankian caricature
quarta-feira, março 10, 2010
you have no idea
terça-feira, março 09, 2010
segunda-feira, março 08, 2010
caricature Josh Homme
It runs even deeper
as músicas de NIN por vezes assustam-me.Existe um paralelo inegável entre as músicas, que me aparecem no momento certo e na altura exacta da minha vida, e os meus pensamentos.
And you know me
(well you think you do)!
I woke up today
to find myself in the other place
with a trail of footprints
from where I ran away
it seems everything I've heard
just might be true
and you know me
(well you think you do)
sometimes, I have everything - yet I wish I felt something
do you know how far this has gone?
just how damaged have I become?
when I think I can overcome
it runs even deeper
and in a dream I'm a different me
with a perfect you
we fit perfectly
and for once in my life I feel complete
and I still want to ruin it
afraid to look
as clear as day
this plan has long been underway
I hear them call
I cannot stay
the voice inviting me away
do you know how far this has gone?
just how damaged have I become?
when I think I can overcome
it runs even deeper
everything that matters is gone
all the hands of hope have withdrawn
could you try to help me hang on?
it runs...
I straight
I won't crack
on my way
and I can't turn back
I'm okay
I'm on track
on my way
and I can't turn back
(I stayed
on this track
gone too far
and I can't come back
I stayed
on this track
lost my way
can't come back
And you know me
(well you think you do)!
I woke up today
to find myself in the other place
with a trail of footprints
from where I ran away
it seems everything I've heard
just might be true
and you know me
(well you think you do)
sometimes, I have everything - yet I wish I felt something
do you know how far this has gone?
just how damaged have I become?
when I think I can overcome
it runs even deeper
and in a dream I'm a different me
with a perfect you
we fit perfectly
and for once in my life I feel complete
and I still want to ruin it
afraid to look
as clear as day
this plan has long been underway
I hear them call
I cannot stay
the voice inviting me away
do you know how far this has gone?
just how damaged have I become?
when I think I can overcome
it runs even deeper
everything that matters is gone
all the hands of hope have withdrawn
could you try to help me hang on?
it runs...
I straight
I won't crack
on my way
and I can't turn back
I'm okay
I'm on track
on my way
and I can't turn back
(I stayed
on this track
gone too far
and I can't come back
I stayed
on this track
lost my way
can't come back
domingo, março 07, 2010
it's kind of funny, but not if it all just falls on me.
choices are a main concern nowadays. I never really though of choices in a concise manner before the couple of last years.One choice I've made is likely the one that made me realize that, no matter how bright I may be, choices aren't really a matter of intelligence.
First choice: made you believe I didn't love you anymore, that it was all child's play.You can call it stupid number one.
Second choice(call it stupidum imensum): chose to make you step away, to fulfill your life without me.
Third choice(can't even find a name for it): chose not to be at your side even if unhappy for mine's duration. What I never did realize was that mine wasn't made of choices if I wasn't with you.
I chose my sad life instead of one with you .I feel like crying every night when I see you unhappy, I feel like crying everyday when I see you happy.And my life is sad without you. But you'll never understand or believe those where choices I made for you.
THERE ARE CHOICES I'VE MADE THAT WILL MAKE ME MISERABLE FOREVER. Stupid me. Broken me. Lonely me. Unknowing you.
First choice: made you believe I didn't love you anymore, that it was all child's play.You can call it stupid number one.
Second choice(call it stupidum imensum): chose to make you step away, to fulfill your life without me.
Third choice(can't even find a name for it): chose not to be at your side even if unhappy for mine's duration. What I never did realize was that mine wasn't made of choices if I wasn't with you.
I chose my sad life instead of one with you .I feel like crying every night when I see you unhappy, I feel like crying everyday when I see you happy.And my life is sad without you. But you'll never understand or believe those where choices I made for you.
THERE ARE CHOICES I'VE MADE THAT WILL MAKE ME MISERABLE FOREVER. Stupid me. Broken me. Lonely me. Unknowing you.
I am my great destroyer.
There's a clarity that ensues the moment you realize that, although you once thought you had it all, there's nothing left worth the gray area you always loved.
You simply choose, yes or now, now or later, black or white.
There's no gray spot for you to cultivate those endless childhood dreams, the grandeur you were always meant to have.
The understanding that, no matter how evolved you are , in the grand scheme of things you are just like everyone else; a turd on the sidewalk waiting to be trampled by some brand new shoes.
You once really could have the world on the palm of your hands...crush it like a dust particle.But now your destiny turns out to be a brand new nothing, adrift in flames of desire; a tyrant looking at you straight in the eyes and saying: Oh yes,YOU COULD HAVE BEEN....could have, would have, should have!!!
You simply choose, yes or now, now or later, black or white.
There's no gray spot for you to cultivate those endless childhood dreams, the grandeur you were always meant to have.
The understanding that, no matter how evolved you are , in the grand scheme of things you are just like everyone else; a turd on the sidewalk waiting to be trampled by some brand new shoes.
You once really could have the world on the palm of your hands...crush it like a dust particle.But now your destiny turns out to be a brand new nothing, adrift in flames of desire; a tyrant looking at you straight in the eyes and saying: Oh yes,YOU COULD HAVE BEEN....could have, would have, should have!!!
sexta-feira, março 05, 2010
quinta-feira, março 04, 2010
quarta-feira, março 03, 2010
segunda-feira, março 01, 2010
you cannot kickstart a dead horse...
And laid down in the bed you made
You have tried your best to please everyone
But it just isn't happening
No, it just isn't happening
And it's fucked up, fucked up
I don't care what the future holds
if I was right here in your arms today
But I'm not...I'm not
What will grow quickly, that you can't make straight
It's the price you gotta pay
Do yourself a favour and pack you bags
Buy a ticket and get on the train
Buy a ticket and get on the train
Cause this is fucked up, fucked up
Cause this is fucked up, fucked up
People get crushed like biscuit crumbs
And laid down in the bed you made
You have tried your best to please everyone
But it just isn't happening
No, it just isn't happening
And it's fucked up, fucked up
And this is fucked up, fucked up
This your blind spot, blind spot
It should be obvious, but it's not.
But it isn't, but it isn't
You cannot kickstart a dead horse
You just crush yourself and walk away
I don't care what the future holds
Cause I'm right here in your arms today
With your fingers you can touch me
I'm your black swan, black swan
But I made it to the top, made it to the top
This is fucked up, fucked up
You are fucked up, fucked up
This is fucked up, fucked up
Be your black swan, black swan
I'm for spare parts, broken up
You have tried your best to please everyone
But it just isn't happening
No, it just isn't happening
And it's fucked up, fucked up
I don't care what the future holds
if I was right here in your arms today
But I'm not...I'm not
What will grow quickly, that you can't make straight
It's the price you gotta pay
Do yourself a favour and pack you bags
Buy a ticket and get on the train
Buy a ticket and get on the train
Cause this is fucked up, fucked up
Cause this is fucked up, fucked up
People get crushed like biscuit crumbs
And laid down in the bed you made
You have tried your best to please everyone
But it just isn't happening
No, it just isn't happening
And it's fucked up, fucked up
And this is fucked up, fucked up
This your blind spot, blind spot
It should be obvious, but it's not.
But it isn't, but it isn't
You cannot kickstart a dead horse
You just crush yourself and walk away
I don't care what the future holds
Cause I'm right here in your arms today
With your fingers you can touch me
I'm your black swan, black swan
But I made it to the top, made it to the top
This is fucked up, fucked up
You are fucked up, fucked up
This is fucked up, fucked up
Be your black swan, black swan
I'm for spare parts, broken up
Coisinhas pequenas que, para babar um niquinho de nada, chegam bem.
Como por exemplo a aparição do meu desenho de há 2 anos feito para os metallica.
Sim aquele desenho que é, até hoje, o mais bem sucedido de toda o meu portfolio.
Já apareceu em videos e imagens com os membros da banda a segurarem-no frente a tantos milhares de pessoas, apareceu numa revista e em fotos do estúdio oficial da banda onde estão os 2 desenhos.
E AGORA, só para me fazer ligação directa à inspiração para um terceiro desenho que está em fase de rascunho, tenho aqui screencaps tirados do jogo Guitar Hero: Metallica onde se vê o primeiro desenho desta minha saga.
Certos acepipes sabem bem...especialmente quanod a inspiração tem andado tão em baixo.

Sim...este mesmo...exactamente no mesmo sitio :D

sim, eu sei que não se vê muito bem...mas a minha camera não é grande espingarda a filmar...portanto...
mas no jogo vê-se MUUIIITOOOO melhor :D
Como por exemplo a aparição do meu desenho de há 2 anos feito para os metallica.
Sim aquele desenho que é, até hoje, o mais bem sucedido de toda o meu portfolio.
Já apareceu em videos e imagens com os membros da banda a segurarem-no frente a tantos milhares de pessoas, apareceu numa revista e em fotos do estúdio oficial da banda onde estão os 2 desenhos.
E AGORA, só para me fazer ligação directa à inspiração para um terceiro desenho que está em fase de rascunho, tenho aqui screencaps tirados do jogo Guitar Hero: Metallica onde se vê o primeiro desenho desta minha saga.
Certos acepipes sabem bem...especialmente quanod a inspiração tem andado tão em baixo.

Sim...este mesmo...exactamente no mesmo sitio :D

sim, eu sei que não se vê muito bem...mas a minha camera não é grande espingarda a filmar...portanto...
mas no jogo vê-se MUUIIITOOOO melhor :D
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